Posts Tagged ‘Trifari’

December Contest: Oh, Vintage Trifari Christmas Tree!

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

Look for a October and November contest winner announcement next. But before we go there (so I can link THIS announcement into that one ;o), we continue to celebrate the season and Christmas on Mimosa Lane’s release (currently the #1 Family Saga on Kindle!) with a short December contest for my fans and supporters and blog faithful. This beautiful Vintage Christmas Tree from Trifari, just like the one little Polly loves so much from her mommy’s collection in COML could be express mailing its way to you on December 15th!

trifari christmas tree

To enter, share your favorite Christmas Morning Memory in the comments before December 15th.

Christmas on Mimosa Lane, as a title, is all about the ending of the story: How do Pete and Polly and Mallory make their “perfect” Christmas morning dreams come true? Later today, I’ll blog the second of my Reader’s Guide/Book Club posts about that very thing–what makes Christmas perfect for you, what does your ideal morning or holiday look like, and do the commercials and promotions and more materialistic flood of media messages this time of year make your holiday happier or maybe a little harder to deal with?

To get you started, check out last week’s reader’s guide/book club post: Happy Ever After Holidays.

So, overall, how do your holidays find their way to your hearts and how do you share what’s most special to you… And what does perfect mean in your life, on that magical morning we wake and rush to our trees to celebrate our blessings?

Chat away in the comments for your chance to win a priceless Trifari Christmas Tree of your very own!

Oh, and a second winner will receive a $5 Amazon Gift Certificate ;o)

Contest closes midnight December 15th!

Win “Trifari” Christmas Treasures!

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012

Sparkling light and color and the true meaning of “treasure” are running themes in Christmas on Mimosa Lane. And what better symbol of that than choosing jewelry to be the visual/physical link between the sweet little girl in my novel, Polly, and the mother she’s just lost? As soon as I knew that’s what I wanted, my love for vintage Trifari kicked in!

I’ve created a Pinterest board with pics of jewelry that inspired the beautiful pins charming my COML characters (and my agent and editor and hopefully readers ;o). I’ll keep adding more pins as I get the chance over the holidays.

I hope they (and their part of the story) win your heart over the way they did mine–not just because they’re sparkly and bright and cheerful. But because of the deeper emotional story they tell in my novel. And how (I hope) they really do become a visual touchstone for triumphing over loss and learning to live and love again.

And to celebrate this Christmas on Mimosa Lane theme, I’ve selected a special pin for a reader giveaway–running now through November 30th.

Who wants to win a Rudolf to wear this holiday?

trifari rudolph

Isn’t he a beauty?

He’s a vintage piece of signed Trifari that I’m aching to keep for myself, but I’ll be sending him to one of you. See how much I love you guys???

And to keep his winner company, one other commenter will receive a $5 Amazon Gift Certificate. So, two chances to win!

To enter, simply tell us in the comments about your favorite Christmas treasures. Or about your own jewelry obsession. Or share a link to a Trifari pin that you like best. Leave us a piece of yourself (anything except for a sad little “I wanna win” ;o).

If all goes well and we get a good response, I have my eye on a Trifari Christmas tree like the one I write about in Christmas on Mimosa Lane–I’ll give it away in December…

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Good luck!