Posts Tagged ‘RT2014’

Pay It Forward RT 2014 CHALLENGE–Collect, Donate and WIN!

Monday, May 5th, 2014

Pay It Forward
Romantic Times 2014 Challenge

WIN $100
for the
Charity of Your Choice…

And it costs you nothing!

Simply Collect books at
Romantic Times 2014, New Orleans,
and donate them in your community,
to those who cannot access books of their own.

button hearts for hearts

I challenge readers and authors to help me donate 50,000 books by the end of 2014, through my Hearts for Hearts Initiative.

And RT 2014 is the PERFECT opportunity to make HUGE headway in our goal.

How do you win $100 for the charity of your choice?

  • Set aside books from the free ones you collect at the 2014 Romantic Times convention in New Orleans, to donate to your community. It costs you nothing!
  • Not going to RT2014? Select books from your personal library to donate, find somewhere in your community to share them, and you’re in!
  • Report what you’ve collected and where you want it to go in your community, on the Anna DeStefano Author FB page or in the comments of this blog post. I’ll be talking more in both places about the Pay It Forward RT Challenge and Hearts for Hearts, from now through the convention.
  • I will choose a randomly selected winner from all who participate. The winner will be announced on the Anna DeStefano Author FB Page, and contacted from FaceBook (or via email, if you comment here), to ask where you’d like your $100 Prize donated!
  • Simple, right?

For donation recommedations
and exciting information about Hearts
for Hearts,

Together, we’ll build community, one story at a time!


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The owner of this blog/giveaway acknowledges that this promotion is in no way sponsored,
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