Posts Tagged ‘Blog Tour’

Here in My Heart’s Blog Tour!

Monday, September 29th, 2014

Here in My Heart’s Release Day Party and Giveaways are rocking ALL DAY  Today (Tuesday) over on the Facebook Release Party Page.

HiMH Final

And that’s just the beginning.

We have a mega-stop blog tour starting TODAY as well, continuing through OCTOBER 12th! Including among other things a Two-Hour Live Chat and Call-in Show at Hummingbird Place on Thursday (where our grand prize will be a kindle) and a Blog Tour Grand Prize (in addition to the chance to win Amazon Gift Cards and a digital copy of Here in My Heart ) of this Vintage, Heirloom Log Cabin Quilt!

Quilt Log Cabin

I’ve listed the Blog Tour stops are below (they’re repeated over on RaffleCopter). I’ll post on Thursday about the Hummingbird Place Chat and Call-in Show. Don’t forget to join us all today today for the Facebook Release Party, and…

Here’s the link to the RaffleCopter Giveaway for the Blog Tour, for all the details on how to enter and the various ways you can earn points to be in the running for the great prize packages:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Join us at any/all of these great Blog Tour stops to learn more about Here in My Heart and fun insight into how Dru and Brad’s story came to be ;o)

blog tour graphic