I’ll be blogging regularly again beginning May 1st, once I have a rough draft of my Seasons of the Heart Book 3 WIP. But until then, enjoy some AMAZING new promotions for my Legacy series from 47North!
Secret Legacy, Book 2, is FREE through the end of the month, if you sign up for the Kindle Delivers Daily Deals!
Dark Legacy, Book 1, is only 99 Cents for a limited time!
So if you love some thrilling, dream-theory based psychic twin goodness–also amazing family dramas and love stories, click the links above and get you some of this Kindle goodness, before Amazon stops losing their minds and giving my books away ;o)
Look for more great goodies and fun posts, beginning May 1st.
SNEAK PEEK! Check out my Mimosa Lane COACH Boutique on Brenda Novak’s online diabetes auction!
I’ll be giving away more Coach prizes monthly out here on the blog, beginning in May, so tell your friends to sign up for email notification of each new post!
Hi, Anna,
I have Dark Legacy and have your Secret Legacy
on my to-be-purchased list. I’ve also checked
out your Boutique listings. As my teenaged
grandchildren would say, “Sweeeet!”
Pat C.