How We Write in 2012: The Soul of the Matter…

I wanted this Wednesdays writing blog is your one-stop INSPIRATION destination for your 2012 creativity and publishing dreams. How will you excel? How will you write every day, even amidst conflict, chaos and adversity? How will you create that which you alone were put on this earth to bring to life through story? After all, isn’t 2012 supposed to be the end of the world… In that case, we better get a move on. We’re running out of time ;o)

2012 planets

Despite 2011’s challenges (on top of 2010’s ;o), both with my personal health and the industry upheaval happening around all of us, I find myself giddy at the thought of what this newest year in our lives will bring. More ownership of our destinies and the fruits of our writing labors. More opportunity than ever before to reach readers clamoring for the escape that you bring them. More ways to engage your soul in your work, and take every chance that could lead you forward.

Move. That’s my overall goal, my “How” for 2012.

2012 goals

  • I will move forward.
  • I will take initiative and take chances and take opportunity and run with them all.
  • I will ask the right questions and listen to those I trust to share their insight and choose, without fear, what my next course of action will be. Then the next.
  • I will role with the punches and move forward despite obstacles and setbacks.
  • I will believe that there is success awaiting me around every corner, and I will work my ass off to claim those victories.

What are yours?

2012 is shaping up as a year where we can very much shape our reality simply by the viewpoint and perspective in which we choose to see our world.

  • Do you see exciting opportunity or scary change?
  • Are you ready to dive in and work hard, or too tired to start over yet again?
  • Do you learn from past mistakes and roads not taken, or do you use failure as an excuse to stop trying?
  • Do you embrace the new, saying, “Yes, I will!”, or does every bump in the road ring in your mind with a resounding, “I can’t do this again!”?
  • Do you believe that the drastic changes in our publishing paradigms spells a new place for you in our business that, or are you allowing yourself to feel even more squeezed out?

My 2012 (and, I suspect, yours), will be about movement and doing. Digging deep for the soul of every matter that comes across my desk, I will be working harder, yes. But I’ll be working smarter and with great enthusiasm and expectation.

And in each publishing and writing post (Wednesdays and Thursdays), I’ll be sharing those soulful insights out here, looking for the same from you. We’re all on the same journey, and we’ll get where we’re going so much faster if we share the ride!

2012 new year

Tell us what you will be doing to make your 2011 creative and professional dreams come true. What are your goals, and how will you reach and everyone one of the!

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One Response to “How We Write in 2012: The Soul of the Matter…”

  1. Happy New Year Anna and thank you for your wonderful blog!


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