I Hear the Craziest Things: I’m NOT the weirdest author on the planet…

Who’d have thought that my odd ticks as a writer were tame in comparison to the masters of eccentricity?

  • Truman Copote wrote lying on a couch, with a drink in on hand and a pencil in the other.
  • A Newsweek reporter stripped down to his boxers to work so he didn’t wrinkle his clothes.
  • An acclaimed female author writes facing a brick wall, saying among other things that it seems a fit metaphor for being a writer. Heh.
  • Hemingway created only 500 words a day, telling a friend he got one page of masterpiece for every 91 pages of sh**t.
  • And the list goes on.


Take a peak for yourself.

And, if you’re a writer or artist of any kind, feel good about your own messed up process ;o)

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2 Responses to “I Hear the Craziest Things: I’m NOT the weirdest author on the planet…”

  1. I find my muses in a cigar and a hot pot of coffee. Something about the ritual of selecting a cigar from my humidor, inhaling the fragrance of the wrapper, snipping the head and lighting it, along with the aroma and taste of my coffee, put me in the right frame of mind every time.

  2. M.E. Anders says:

    For me, I must have a cup of fresh tea every 3 hours of sitting at my desk. If the weather permits, I take a 1-mile barefoot walk (without my iPod) to clear the cobwebs before my “cup o’ tea” break. :)

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