Since Secret Legacy’s out today (Yay!) and Dark Legacy’s a FREE EBOOK ALL WEEK, let’s get down and dirty about what makes this Psychic Fantasy series so different from other thrillers you’ve read. Yes, you’ll experience more of the dream theory you loved in Inception. But more than that, my psychic twins are being hunted and haunted by and eventually must stand and fight against covert government scientists who’re determined to turn their family’s Legacy of gifts into a direct-strike psychic weapon. How? Well, that’s the really cool part!
Long before Inception hit theaters, I turned my life-long fasciantion with dreams and the very real possiblity that lucid dreaming can be a learned technique into the beginning of a series of mainstream novels built around psychic talents. Of course I’ll write about other gifts, but the first two Legacy books were destined to spook me and everyone who read them about the potential and power of dreams.
What if dreams could be harnessed and programmed and ultimately harvested, triggered at exact moment in which they could do the most harm? What if psychics could train us through our dreams, unbeknownst to our conscious minds, to behave in uncharacteristic ways in our waking lives? What if, once that training was triggered in say a daydream state, there was nothing we could do to stop ourselves from carrying out our programming?
How exactly are the Temple Twins’ minds and psychic talents being manipulated to accomplish this? In case you haven’t had the chance to read Dark Legacy yet, let me catch you up:
- Sarah and Maddie Temple are powerful empaths.
- More than merely feeling others’ emotions, they can take on all the emotions of that person, to the point of taking over the person’s subconscious and through it their reactions/actions to the world around them. As their powers have grown over the years, they’ve unknowingly developed the ability to project emotion and associated behavior/perception as well as receive it.
- Pair that with advanced training in mind and body modeling using lucid dreaming techniques, and you’ve got a psychic who can design, embed, and target dream realities (which aren’t remembered by the “host” mind once it wakes) that prepare the dreamer to perform waking tasks when triggered.
- The vehicle for all this are 1) the emotions that the twins’ minds manipulate so easily, emotion being the strongest link between our waking and sleeping realities, and 2) the collective unconsciousness, a realm we all share where waking and sleeping realities are one and all individual experiences are open to others to learn/draw from.
- So, if you have a mind powerful enough to master lucid and shared dreaming techniques, and gifted enough to enter and exit the collective unconscious at will…your weapon could program anyone’s waking behavior by accessing and training the person’s sleeping reality to prepare them to act when triggered. Anyone. Anywhere. Anytime. And the dreamer would have no conscious awareness of what they’re about to do until they act, and no control over the action no matter how out of character their programming might be.
The tag line for the series when I pitched it to my publisher?
Your next day dream could be your worst nightmare…
Bwhahahahaha… ;o)
Of course there’s more to the science behind my world building and the twins’ Legacy and their complicated bond. A lot of which I cover in my Psychic Realm and Dream Theories series. For now, someone emailed asking for a run down of exactly what I mean by Psychic Thriller. So, there you go!
Enjoy the ride ;o)
Tags: Anna DeStefano, contemporary fantasy, creativity & inspiration, Dark Legacy, dream color, dream emotion, dream programming, dream science, Dream Theories, dreams, fantasy author, Legacy Series, lucid dreaming, Secert Legacy
That trailer was intriguing…I’m already hooked. I just got the Dark Legacy to my Kindle…Thank you for that gift! I cannot wait to read it, and then purchase Secret Legacy.
Interesting. I always look at the Kindle freebies for interesting books & this morning I stumbled across ‘Dark Legacy’. I liked the description & the reviews, so I had to get it. I haven’t read it yet, but if the book is even half as interesting as it sounds, it should be very good.
Thanks for looking me up, James. Hope you enjoy! Be sure to let us know what you think…