As promised last Wednesday, Jenni’s charging ahead with our “tag you’re it” How We Write Wednesday blog experiment over on her site, talking about the creative side of writing and how the two of us often challenge (and annoy the heck out of) each other the times we get a chance to brainstorm and revise.
I’ve covered the basics of what we’re trying to do with this thread already–see here (I promise I’m done with the links now…almost).From there, consider us an experiment in progress challenging ourselves to share some the meatier, more in-depth stuff that happens once you’re writing on contract and on deadline and trying to score that next contract and grow your “published” creative process more with each book. Because once you’re published, it ALL makes sense, right?
Uh, no.
Not by a long shot.
Over the next few months, once a week on alternating blogs, we’ll cover the stuff beyond line editing and proof reading.The stuff you don’t hear about every day that just might help your journey to publishing fiction and beyond not be as bumpy as ours. Well, probably not. It’s all bumpy, each of us in our own “special” way. But maybe it’ll be nice to know, when you get there, that you’re not losing your mind once you experience for yourself that the reality of being published is worlds different than you thought it would be.
So, dive in over at Jenni’s. Let us know what you think, here or there. Then come back next Wednesday for more…here…because we’re trading back and forth, you see…the way brainstorming and revision works…just to beat the obvious symbolism to death a bit more ;o)
Oh, and I’m posting December contest winners in just a bit (thanks everyone who’s emailed to say you’re keeping an eye out) as well as new January chances to win. So come back here, too, to see if you’re one of the lucky ducks who’ll be receiving books or gift certificates in the mail soon!
Tags: Anna DeStefano, brainstorming, character growth, characterization, critiquing, fiction, fiction writer, narrative structure, novel, novel structure, plotting, publishing, writing, writing articles, writing coach, writing craft, writing resources
Tag! Your It!
I am in awe when I read about all that authors go through to get their books out to the public. So much depends upon others rather than the author…from editors’ decisions, cover designers, even final title choices. My hat goes off to those who manage to survive the process. It is no wonder to me that authors form such close relationships. Who else can fully understand what authors go through?
A very wise friend reminded me just the other day, Gladys–we have to write (or do whatever we do for fun and creativity). Keep writing. No matter what we write, just write. Because it’s the only thing we really control in this business.
That’s why it’s wonderful to hear from readers and fans like you.
You keep me going, never forget that!