Thanks for the patience, folks. We’re digging ourselves out of the ice here in the deep south and slowly dragging ourselves back to work.
Congrats to all my December Contest Winners!!!
There were two different chances to win this time (I’m sneaky that way, so keep your eyes open, you never know when I’ll pop a new opportunity up there ;o)
- Both posts have now been updated and moved to the “Where Contests Go When They’re Over” category.
- The winners are also posted below, and everyone should have an email in theirin boxes, too.
Oh, and the January is already up! More good stuff ahead, including the chance to win an eGalley of Secret Legacy ;o)
Thanks, everyone, for the wonderful support!
Cheer Up A Recovering American Soldier Contest Winners
(free signed book of your choice from my backlist for three lucky commenters):
- Laura McLendon
- Debra Guyette
- Cate
Montly Blog Contest Winners
(a $20 Borders gift certificate and five copies of my latest Atlanta Heroes from Harlequin):
$20 Borders gift card
Joye (who commented on 12/12)
Signed copy of The Firefighter’s Secret Baby
- Cassandra (who posted on 12/20)
- Liza Keesey (who commented on 12/16)
- Whitney (who commented on 12/5)
- Laney4 (who commented on 12/4)
- Jane (who posted on 12/1)
I was angry when the servicemen and servicewomen overseas were not sent ballots to vote in the last election. It was known that they would chiefly have voted Republican, but I hope they all get ballots in 2012. Who deserves to vote more?
I couldn’t agree more. They’re fighting and dying for our freedom. Their votes should be or top priority!
Thanks and congrats to the winners.
Congratulations to the winners!!
Congrats winners…