I Write THOSE Books…

I’ll be MIA until next week–stuff happens, and it’s happening all over the place here ;o) Good stuff, some other stuff, but it’s all happening at once. So, in theĀ  mean time, check out my new column, I Write THOSE Books, over at Pop Syndicate.

I guest blogged for these fine folks a month or so ago, when Dark Legacy released. They were looking for someone inside the publishing industry to do something fun and entertaining for guests who like books and/or writers and wanted to know more. My bi-monthly posts will be fun and trendy and geared toward your thoughts and questions. So, check out my “howdy” that’s up today, let me know what you’d like to know more about (either here or there), then come back next Wednesday. I’m kicking things off with a cheeky nod toward November’s NANOWRIMO!

I Write Those Books–look for it every first and third Wednesday of theĀ  month at the Book Addict blog.

Follow a summary of all I Write THOSE Books posts (yes, I’m employing the rule of three, saying my column name three times so you’ll never, EVER, forget it ;o) by saving this link to your Favorites!


4 Responses to “I Write THOSE Books…”

  1. RobynL says:

    Anna, sometimes I find that the more I do the more I get done BUT in your case, I don’t see how you can do any more. another blog, that is good though. Take care.

  2. Pat Cochran says:

    Busy, busy lady! I have heard it said that if you need something
    done, find the busiest person you know! They seem to have found

    Pat Cochran

  3. etirv says:

    Looking forward to your new column! You’re so busy!

  4. Anna says:

    Thanks for the high fives, everyone! I think this will be fun–somewhere for everyone who’s interested to talk more writing and books, while I can keep this blog focussed on the stuff that goes on while I lose my mind writing MY books, LOL!

    Oh, and Border’s True Romance blog just got in touch to say they’d like me to guest blog with them one day later this month, as I kick off the new column. Soooo, more work but all kinds of fun coming my way.

    If I haven’t said it enough lately, I’m a very lucky girl…

    See you all around here and at I Write THOSE books ;o)

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