Music’s inspired me for as long as I can remember.Before I picked up my first instrument or bought my first album. My tastes are so eclectic, they drive my teenager crazy because he covets a lot of my iTunes downloads but despises the rest, so he hast to pick and choose what he mooches instead of taking the whole list.
R&B, pop, hard rock, classic jazz, alternative, folk, classic, you name it. Anything, really, but country–well, some contemporary country I can get into, but I was raised on the traditional Nashville sound and WON’T go back there again. Ever ;o)
It’s the emotion that gets me. Not just the lyrics, though that’s what I’m writing about today. The emotion of the music itself. The mood and rhythm and soul of the way the notes and melodies are strung together. How it affects your breathing and your heart rate and your thoughts and dreams. Always has… But since nobody, ever, wants to hear me sing, lyrics are the way I share musical emotion. Talking lyrics, and swapping playlists with friends.
Starting with Secret Legacy–today is the official start of my “focused solely on Dark Legacy’s sequel” time–I thought I’d introduce music as a running blog topic. I’ve fallen in love with a new book: Lyrics by Sting. His words have transported me since I was in middle school and was finally able to buy my own music. You’ll see lyrics from him from time to time out here, that match the early moods I’m working through in Secret Legacy. Well, him and other artists, but mostly Sting for a while.
And I’m working on my first official playlist for a book. I’ve chosen 45 titles to begin with, for Secret Legacy. Those will get sifted through and sorted and trimmed and most likely added to along the way. I’d love to hear what you think about the artists and the tunes and moods. I’ve always listened to music while I write, but have never before tried to encapsulate a story by choosing a specific body of songs. It’ll be interesting to see if this helps or distracts me…or quite possibly drives me over the edge, when I can’t sleep at night because songs keep cycling through my brain and refuse to shut off.
Any-hoodles, here’s a short quote from Sting, rocking my (and hopefully your) world this afternoon. It’s saying a lot to me as I think/work through Sarah Temple’s emotional world and her complicated relationships with the people trying to “help” her:
You can’t control an independent heart
Can’t tear the one you love apart
~~Sting, If You Love Somebody Set Them Free
Dream of the Blue Turtles, 1985
Tomorrow, let’s talk playlists…
I do like Country music myself. As for relaxation purposes I love putting on Nature music and listening to the birds chirping, the waves from the Ocean, a babbling brook, etc.
I am also eclectic in my music tastes. One of my favorite gifts to receive is a mix tape (now, CD). It gives insight into the giver’s tastes and what they think of me.
My husband likes to listen to music while he reads. There are certain songs that he associates with certain books and vice-versa. I think including a suggested song list with a book is a great idea. Just like a mix tape, it gives insight into the author and what they thought while writing.
I’m amazed at authors who can write while listening to music with lyrics!!!!
I have a white-noise machine that plays a lot when I’m drafting… I go for the “water music” a lot. Ocean sounds. Or rain forest with nature/birds in the background.
So far, the playlist is working while I’m planning and in the early stages of drafting. I listen to it in the car and when I’m doing other things a lot. It’s interesting, as I notice which songs remind me of which characters. That’ll help me sort through songs later and pinpoint the ones I need to hear when I need to feel a certain character in a certain place in the plot.
Listening to lyrics while I’m hard-core drafting? Not sure if that’s for me. I’ll probably have to rely on old faithful–the white noise machine–still, when I’m hands-down drafting.
I grew up listening to traditional country music. I now listen mostly to the classic country from years ago. It fits who I am. I do like other music except Rap. I don’t get that. Not much Bluegrass either. Soft rock, alternative and Blues are good. Have a great day and hugs to all.
I like rock, alternative and classical.