Don’t forget I’m guest blogging at Babbling About Books & More today and at Romancing the Blog on Thursday ;o) And that I’m giving away great goodies to celebreat Dark Legacy’s release, here and here.
In the mean time, I’m so freaking excited!!! I’m going to my very first DragonCon this weekend!!!
Stop by the Georgial Fantasy Authors Booth, in the Imperial Ballroom (Exibitor Hall 1), for free promo (including TONS of chocolate), and the chance to buy a signed copy of Dark Legacy, fan t-shirts, tote bags and Dream flutters Jewelry:
I’ll be GIVING AWAY FREE COPIES of Darck Legacy at my panels:
Saturday, 11:30, Hyatt: Manilla/Singapore/Hong Kong
Time-Travel and Paranormal: What is it and How Do I Write It?
Sunday, 11:30, Marriott: M109
Writing Paranormal Fiction
And Dorchester’s hosting an AMAZING digital giveaway contest for DC attendees. I’ll have flyers with me wherever I go–WIN A KINDLE AND THREE Digital Downloads of your choice!!!
The rest of the time, I’ll be roaming and taking in all the fun! And of course, snapping and tweeting TONS of pics, LOL!
Come find me ;o)
Tags: anna's world
Have fun and can’t wait for your post and pics!
I just picked up Dark Legacy today. Can’t wait to get started on it.
Wish I were going to DragonCon.
would love to go to Dragon con fo many reasons, but not this yr, went to my very 1st comic-con last month in Chgo.
Enjoy Dragoncon. It sounds like a great, fun time. After all the hard work to get DARK LEGACY out, you deserve it.
I hope you have a fabulous time at Dragoncon.
Oh how I wish I could be there. Atlanta’s only about four hours from me, but I just don’t see it happening. Have a great time!
have a great time at Dragoncon; free copies-sobbing, I can’t be there.
Enjoy Dragoncon enough for all of us!
Hope you bring back lot of photos!
Pat Cochran
Enjoy! Wish I could attend. Have a great time!
I’ll be there and hunt you down! Can’t wait! Your panels sound great.
Sounds like fun I wish I could go but it’s too far for me. Have a great time
I have never heard of DragonCon… I guess it goes well with the paranormal elements of your book.
My husband was disappointed that he couldn’t go to DragonCon. He’s a big Sci/Fi reader and would have loved the conference. Maybe next year?