We have a winner of the Vintage Harlequin Tote. And we have a new Dark Legacy Scavenger Hunt!
Winner first–drawn randomly from the commenters in the last two Dream Theory posts. Thanks, everyone, for your amazing dream revelations. I’m totally hooked on dream research and hearing the unusual things we all sometimes remember from our sleep worlds. Congratulations:
Lexi C., who commented on the “Dream Themes” blog post, on August 6th, 12:22 pm !
Lexi, I’ll send you an email, too. Let me know your snail mail addie so I can send you the great tote and collection of books from RWA Nationals in DC!
Now, onto our new Scavenger Hunt! This one’s going to be different than the ones we did last month–the theme is my Dark Legacy Blog Tour, celebrating my debut paranormal romant suspense’s August 25th release!!!
Here are the rules:
- Deadline: this Friday
- To Qualify: leave a comment in THIS post only
- Follow the links below, which will be my stops on my Online Blog Tour that starts on August 17th (for a handy schedule to refer to later, check out my Website Calendar Page)
- Leave a comment, telling us what you think about at least one of the sites you visit. Maybe you’re already a regular at some of these. They’re all fabulous. Find something fun and let us know what you like! Or tell us what you think about author blog tours–it’s something new many publishers are trying, to take advantage of viral marketing and the world of social media. Basically, talk to us ;o)
- Two commenters will win Dark Legacy ARCS, and one will win a $5 Borders Gift Certificate!!!
Simple, right? I’m so excited about the blog tour–so many great authors and groups have welcomed me on board! Once the blog tour starts, I’ll be prompting each stop out here–and offering great prizes at each stop, too, becacause, you know, I can’t help myself ;o)
REMEMBER, you have through Friday to play, but your comments have to be to this post, regardless of any additional posts I make between then and now. Ready, set, PLAY!
Here’s the list of my blog tour stops and the date’s I’ll be there, so link away and come back and tell us what you think:
8/18 Night Owl Romance
8/21 Romance Bandits
8/25 Dark Legacy Release!!! (and signing at B&N in Lincoln Center ;o)
8/24 Petit Fours and Hot Tamales
8/26 Armchair Heroines
8/27 Writing Playground
8/31 Writers at Play
9/1 Babbling About Books & More
9/10 Romance Novel TV
9/15 Novel Thoughts
9/25 Running With Quills
Tags: Raves and Reviews
awesome!! I really wanted to attend RWA this year too!!
lol I’m a reviewer for Night Owl Romance–does this count?
And I think author online blog tours are a great thing–not all of us are able to travel about meeting y’all so its nice to have some time to chat with or read an interview or something you know?
Have been following Writers at Play for a while now. Have been following Night Owl Romance for about 2 months or so. Writers at play is a fun site. I’ve found several new authors on both sites. Know of Running With Quills, a great group of authors. Hadn’t checked out their blog site. Good luck with your release. Am excited for you. Look forward to reading Dark Legacy.
That is an awesome schedule. You will be a busy lady. I am a frequent visitor to a few of the blogs mentioned. Romance B(u)y the Book, Romancing the Blog and Running with the Quills. I am also a member at dangerouswomen blog. You are one of the danderous women authors so I see you there often. There are a few other blogs I have been meaning to chech out so now would be a good time to do it. Have a great day and thanks for letting us know where you will be. Hugs to all.
Forgot to say congrats to Lexie C for being the winner of the tote and books. Way to go and enjoy.
Hi Anna. Great list of blogs on your blog tour. I visit Yankee Romance Reviews, Romance Bandits, Petit Fours and Hot Tamales, Writing Playground, Writers at Play, Novel Thoughts and Running With Quills daily.
Hey everyone!
Yay, sounds like I’ve hooked up with some great groups everyone knows. The idea is to blog daily here as the release approaches, and on the days where I’m guest blogging to also link folks over there. Lots of fun, like the release parties I’ve always had, but also on a larger playing field where we get to meet and party with even more folks.
There will be different topics for each visit–working on my list now, so I don’t repeat myself. And I know folks at each blog–all great women who’ve been super welcoming.
Pics coming soon of the prizes I’ve been storing up!
We’re going to have fun!!!
I visit several of those blog daily. I’ve been following the Romance Bandits for a while now. I love how we all try to be the first commenter of a new posting so that we can nab the rooster. These sites are great for learning about new books and finding out what everyone is reading.
Of the stops on your blog tour, Romance Bandit & Writers @ Play have
been daily stops for me for the past year. I also visit Petticoats and
Pistols, Plot Monkeys, Silhouette Desire, Tote Bags N Blogs, 2 Be Read,& annawrites.com almost daily. I visit Romance B(u)y The Book, Night Owl Romance, and 17 other blog sites at least 3-4 times per month. I visited the remaining sites listed on your tour and found they all have good “visibility.” I will probably add a couple of them to my regular visit schedule. I’m looking forward to this tour!
Pat Cochran
Mostly I visit Romance Bandits, Petticoats and Pistols, Plot Monkeys and some of the Harlequin blogs.
I checked out all the blog stops on the list, I do pop by some of them from time to time. My favorite one was from Babbling About Books and More. The Tits and Arse post was great!
Please enter me!
I just visited “Romance B(u)y the Book” and read your blog post. Wow, if your books are as entertaining as your post, I will most certainly have to give them a try!
Congratulations on your book signing! You have to feel on top of the world, and you should, you’ve earned it!
Ok I went and It sounds great every thing about your book looks great I have not been to Romanace B(u)y the Book Before but it looks like a nice blog spot.Congrats on your book and have fun on the tour.
I visited Romancing the Blog; I chose the site because that’s where you’ll be on my birthday! I liked the writing style, the writers had a style that was easy to relate to and made me want to read more. I haven’t participated in blogging much, but I liked what I read. I’be bookmarked the site, so I can visit it either on or after my birthday to see your blog. Thanks for opening my eyes to a new site! Best Wishes on your new book!
Ok, so I am late for the contest.
I regularly visit the Romance Bandits, Writers at Play and NovelThoughts.
Who are the models on your covers? The book covers are eye catching.
Well, like you said all of these sites are pretty great Anna. I particularly like Armchair Heroines and Tiffany. It’s just so cozy and comfortable feeling over there.